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This circulation by ramp lets you travel all over the building, in its verticality whilst making the most of views on the activities and the outside landscape. Therefore, the course is made out of sequences. By using the first ramp, you are distanced from the ground of the square, making you decide to visit the library or continue your ascension. By arriving at the floor where people craft wood, an interior ramp permits us to go along this space , that you can observe without going in. This stroll materializes the passage between the production process and the realization process that is located on the upper floor.

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The double height of the studios is an open plan, ready to accommodate a new scenery at every retrospective. The space is equipped with curtains that can be moved around, opened or pulled back to allow a different narration at every piece shown, and to discover the space thanks to a different narrative every time. At the exit of the exhibition, another ramp brings us to the roof, which shows views of the co-working space. In addition to the fact that these ramps are necessary and useful to the building, they also create a promenade for its users and a constant movement which can be seen from the inside.

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Concerning the materials and colours, the choose of a curtain wallmakes the inside activities taking place in the building constantly visible from the outside. This helps keep it discreet in front of thebaroque architecture already present on the square. This transparency is punctuated by elements of structure. The curtain wall of the facade is made out of steel, giving it an industriel feel from the outside, reminding us of the workshop inside, and a wooden interior giving it a warm feel and establishes a link with the woodwork going on inside. The posts are in blue tainted cement to come and contrast with the facades on the square, that are of colored warm hues. This creates a signal in the cityscape.

The roof is finally the continuity of public space and a place where punctual events can take place night and day, that participate in dynamising the city : concerts, shows, an open air cinema… Its dominant position in the cityscape gives it an air of observation post in the city.

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