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A group of architects from the 2016 and 2017 classes of ENSAB, proposes to engage in a reflection around fiction in architectural design. The collective wishes to bring out of its fantasy part, thematic scenographies, writings and other conceptual and theoretical proposals, while valuing its graphic edition part. To date, Collectif Synopsis has imagined three exhibitions: Architecture & Fiction' (ENSAB,2022), 'Atlas: Discourse on Magic' presented in Brussels in September 2022 and more recently 'Rituels du quotidien' (Hôtel Pasteur, 2023). Currently, we are preparing a workshop scenography for the french pavilion in Venice Biennale 2023.

The Joy of Tilting

Workshop réalisé au sein du Ball Theater, installation présentée pour la 18e Biennale d'architecture de Venise

Pavillon Français, Venise

October 2023

Reflecting on our world in crisis through a mythic perspective provides an opportunity for genuine transformation, where society, culture, and nature can be reimagined without the burden of guilt or fear, but instead with a sense of joy !
The concept of eternal return in mythology offers a chance for a joyful and ritualized re-creation instead of merely trying to repair the passage of time.

In the workshop «Architecture de la foule» at ENSAB, led by Johanna Rocard, Damien Marchal, and the Synopsis collective, invite you to enter the Ball Theater and step inside a laboratory of a mythical universe : that of a joyful tipping over through performative rituals. The mythical narrative will be composed from the pieces of our world in crisis, anguished situations that will be turned upside down in joy.

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Rituels du quotidien

Exposition pensée et conçue par le Collectif Synopsis

Hôtel Pasteur, Rennes, France

March 2023

The exhibition 'Rituals of the Daily' was made possible thanks to the collaboration with the Short Film Festival, a cultural and cinematographic event organized by the association Clair Obscur. This event aims to highlight short films made during architecture workshops in Master's degree as well as film productions made during the student workshop La Pause in February 2023 at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Bretagne.


Everyday life is developed through a set of rites or rituals, whether they are corporal, psychic or social that its action is formed. These are series of reproducible acts defined by codes and following a space-time dimension. They bring us landmarks and help us to build our identity within the society.


It is through the medium of intimacy that this exhibition will take shape within the cabinet of curiosity of the Hôtel Pasteur. The different projects exposed will be approached through 5 themes:
- founding (fonder),
- to produce (produire),
- to consume (consommer),
- suspend (suspendre),
- to leaf out (effeuiller).


These will be explored through the singularity of cabinets and drawers, the mystery of shelves and the crackling grain of cathode ray screens. In the entity of this room full of stolen secrets and stories to tell, the synopsis collective will explore and question the filmic medium by putting together different sketches that stage daily life.



for more details, open the booklet below

ATLAS. Discours sur la magie

Exposition pensée et conçue par le Collectif Synopsis

Faculté la Cambre Horta, Flagey, Bruxelles

September 2022

The Synopsis collective invites you to explore architecture under an illusory, enchanting and mystical prism through an Atlas of words and images. This exhibition, in collaboration with Roxane Enescu, professor at the ULB, gathers thematic plates, linking the work of students from the ULB and the ENSAB to draw a cartography on magic, architecture and cinema. The exhibition "Atlas. Discourses on Magic" is declined around five symbolic themes such as: Appearance/Disappearance, Mass Effect/Human Wave, Black Magic, Mystery/Fantasy, the Carrousel.

The spatial response to link all these fragments of images and writings was the form of paintings inspired by Aby Warburg's "Mnemosyne Atlas". Indeed, considering a scenography thought as a library where images accumulate, visible reflection of the hidden interiority of man, comes to maintain the original idea of this famous Theater of memory. This one is thus not frozen any more and continues to be perpetuated. Thus, the real and fictional worlds confront, cross and interpenetrate in particular by the front and the back of these moving and suspended atlases which evoke by analogy the question of the field and the out-of-field, common to magic, the cinema and the architecture.

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for more details, open the booklet below

Architecture & Fiction

Exposition pensée et conçue par le Collectif Synopsis

ENSAB, Rennes, France

April 2022

It is a participative and collective exploration revolving around 4 fundamental axes: myth, fantasy, satire and reminiscence. Each of these themes will be illustrated by snippets of reflections gleaned through the fictional process of each production. The collective thus seeks to extract the underlying narrative of the various architectural productions and to make the fiction, which inhabits each project, a subject in its own right. The result of this work is an exhibition that will use the written, sound, visual format through the video of the model and the drawing.

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fantasme (fantasy)

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réminiscence (reminiscence)

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mythe (myth)


satire (satire)

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for more details, open the booklet below

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